New Here
At Mosaic, we understand that life can feel overwhelming. Many of us have experienced brokenness—whether from loss, loneliness, or life’s challenges. But here, brokenness doesn’t have to define you. We help you discover renewal, purpose, and wholeness through a Jesus-centered life.
We are a Jesus-centered community committed to offering hope and healing. No matter your past, you belong here. Together, we move from brokenness to wholeness, isolation to belonging, and aimlessness to purpose.
You are welcome Here
No dress codes. No expectations. Whether it’s your first time at church or your return after years away, Mosaic is for:
The hopeful and the broken
The thriving and the searching
Those facing hardship or addiction
Singles, families, and anyone seeking connection
Come as you are—because Jesus meets you where you are and leads you to where He wants you to be.

OUR mission

OUR mission
Helping people experience a Jesus-centered life.
At Mosaic, our mission is to invite people into a life of healing, purpose, and transformation through Jesus. We believe that a Jesus-centered life is one where you discover that your life has meaning and that He offers us wholeness.
Our Values
Our Beliefs

We believe the Godhead eternally exists in three persons, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. These three are one God having the same nature, attributes (Infinite, Omnipresent, Omnipotent, and Omniscient) perfection’s and, therefore, worthy of our complete and total praise, worship, honor and obedience.
(Genesis 1:1; Deut. 6:4; Isaiah 45:21-22; Matthew 3:16-17)
We believe God the Father is eternally God, an equal part of the Godhead (Trinity) and is acknowledged as such throughout the Holy Scriptures. In 1 Corinthians 1:3 we are told “May God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ send you grace and peace.”
(See also Malachi 2:10: Mathew 11:25-27; Matthew 28:19)
We believe Jesus Christ is eternally God, God’s only-begotten Son, conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary and sinless in life. He made atonement for the Sin of the world by His death on the cross. We believe in His bodily resurrection, His personal, visible, and bodily return to the world according to His promise.
(Matthew 1:18-25; Matthew 28:5, 6; John 3:14-16; John 11:25; John 11:26; Acts 1:9-11; 2).
We believe the Holy Spirit is eternally God and came forth to convict the world of sin, righteousness, and judgment and to regenerate, sanctify and comfort those who believe in Jesus Christ. We believe the Holy Spirit indwells every believer in Christ and that He is an abiding helper, teacher, and guide.
(Mark 13:11; John 14:26; John 16:8-11; 1 Corinthians 2:10-13; 1 Corinthians 12:13; 1 Thessalonians 1:5 and Titus 3:15)
We believe “all Scripture is given by inspiration of God”; therefore, all Scripture in the original manuscripts are inerrant in that it conveys exactly what God wants us to know and is complete in its’ present form. Holy men of God, being moved by the Holy Spirit, wrote every word of Scripture, and it is divinely and uniquely inspired, being absolutely trustworthy in all matters of faith and conduct. The Scripture should be read and understood which will lead us to a saving faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and will provide the born-again believer solid, practical instruction.
(Psalms 19:1-3: Matthew 5:18; Mark 12:26; Luke 24:27, 44; John 5:39; Acts 1:16, Acts 17:2-3, 18:28, 26:22-23, 28:23; Romans 15:4, 1:19-20)
+ Baptism...
Baptism is a public demonstration of your belief that Jesus’ death, burial and resurrection has made it possible for you to be forgiven of all your sins and reconnected to God. Baptism is for believers and is by immersion.
“We are therefore buried with him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life.” – Romans 6:4
Learn More.
+ Child Dedication...
This is a great family experience where we dedicate our children while also making a commitment as parents to honor God and glorify Him within our household. Though child dedication does NOT save the child, it is a way of saying to the Lord “We want a blessed household, and a blessed child.” Child Dedication is for those who desire to make a public commitment to follow the instruction of Deuteronomy 6:5-9.
“Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the door frames of your houses and on your gates.”
Learn More.
+ Finding Jesus...
The Bible says, “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”- John 3:16
“This is good and pleases God our Savior, for he wants everyone to be saved and to come to understand the truth.” – 1 Timothy 2:3-4
Our Team

Times & Location

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Service Times

12472 W Belleview Ave
Littleton, CO 80127

Regular & handicap parking locations on both sides of our building.
First time guest parking on our west lot.
Looking for more ways to get connected and discover what Mosaic is all about? Visit our Experience Mosaic page to learn more about who we are, what we believe, and how you can take your next step. Whether you're new to Mosaic or looking to dive deeper, this is the best place to start!
12472 W Belleview Ave
Littleton, CO 80127