For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
Giving as an Act of Worship
Jesus had a lot to say about money. Probably because he knew how much anxiety and fear it caused in people’s lives. Throughout the New Testament, he offers a path to freedom: sacrifice. Time and time again, he calls us to give up material things that have gripped our hearts as a means of aligning ourselves to God—often this means giving of our finances.
Giving is an act of worship that when practiced in cooperation with the Holy Spirit will form us into Christ’s likeness. Though giving does sustain many practical functions of the church, its primary purpose is to align our hearts with Christ.
Common Questions
+ Why?
It’s amazing the deep connection between how we use our money and our relationship with God. God, throughout history, has worked through people who are generous with their time, money and things. Though it can be very difficult to be generous, there are good reasons to sacrificially give. Here’s a few reasons:
• It shows God that we in fact trust Him.
• Generosity is the pathway to freedom.
• Generosity is evidence of a changed life.
• Our heart will follow wherever we keep our treasure (Matthew 6:19-21).
Find more at www.generousgiving.org.
+ How?
Our mailing address is 12472 W Belleview Ave. Littleton, CO 80127
Go to: https://pushpay.com/g/welcometomosaic
1 - Complete all fields and click Next.
2 - Enter your mobile number and click Send Code.
3 - Enter security code (delivered via text message) and tap Next.
4 - Complete all fields and click Next.
5 - Enter your payment details and click Next.
6 - Confirm all payment details and click Give.
7 - Look for an emailed receipt to confirm your email.
An easy way to accommodate employer matching gifts for Mosaic Denver is through the National Christian Foundation. If your employer offers donation matching but not to religious organizations, this works as well.
Employers should use The Impact Single Charity Fund (Fund Number 1474384) supported through the National Christian Foundation. Click here to set up Employer Matching Gifts.
To donate business assets, partnerships, and commercial or agricultural real estate, please go to www.nationalchristian.com/forms, select an option under “Make a Gift” and follow the instructions.
We know it’s an option, but please do not use the National Christian Foundation to give cash (unless it is an employer match), securities, or vehicles. If you would like to donate securities please contact Dennis Oehlerts at 720-272-5335. If you would like to donate vehicles please contact Tim Price by calling 303-936-1712 or emailing tprice@welcometomosaic.com. Donating items directly to Mosaic Denver allows us to avoid paying fees.
• Marketable Securities – Transfer ownership of your stocks, bonds, or mutual fund shares.
• Life Insurance – Name Mosaic Denver as a beneficiary of your policy.
• Planned Gifts – Give via retirement assets, bequests, trusts, etc. as part of your overall personal financial strategy.
• To give one of these options please contact Tim Price by calling 303-936-1712 or emailing tprice@welcometomosaic.com.
+ How is my giving used at mosaic
Your contributions not only support the staff to communicate God’s truth to the people of God but to unreached people as well. It also helps provide a place for worship and prayer to God with other believers. The funds also allow us to love and care for one another locally, through outreach programs and worldwide, while spreading the word of the gospel. In addition, a portion of our budget goes to missionaries and other organizations worldwide.